Dentists and other oral healthcare providers can spend an excessive amount of time managing their financial records. At CPA By Choice, we specialize in healthcare accounting services designed to save dentists both time and money, allowing you to spend more time running your practice. We'll take care of your bookkeeping, manage cash flow, handle tax planning, and provide you with organized financial reports. Our dental accounting services will assist you in growing and maintaining a profitable practice for years to come.
As a Florida CPA firm that works in partnership with family dentists, orthodontists, oral surgeons, and other dental professionals, CPA By Choice has a keen and experienced understanding of the financial challenges you face. Contact Diane Rodriguez at drodriguez@cpabychoice.com today to schedule a FREE CONSULTATION and financial checkup for your dental practice.
Our accounting services for dental practices include:
Cloud accounting solutions
Outsourced bookkeeping
Cash flow analysis and management
Forecasting and budgeting
Practice start-up assistance for new dentists
Benchmarking and overhead analysis
Practice transitions
Profit coaching
Business loan assistance
Accounting software set-up and support